You searched for... Fitness

Best Waterproof Fitness Trackers
- Harry Brown |
- 20 April 2018 |
- Categories:
Some might have thought of fitness trackers as a fad when they first started to gain popularity a couple of years ago, but now it’s hard to imagine working out or going for a walk without one....

Lockdown sees big rise in mobile health & fitness app spending
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- 08 February 2021 |
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Stuck at home during lockdown, consumers have turned to smartphone apps to help boost their health, fitness and mindfulness....

New law aims to improve gadget security
- Harriet Rutherford |
- 10 February 2020 |
- Categories: camera insurance, gadget cover, gadget insurance, health & fitness gadget insurance, insurance, internet connceted gadgets, television insurance
Internet-connected household devices would be better protected from hacking under proposals from the UK government. A growing number of everyday devices — including televisions, cameras...

How your iPhone can help your healthy eating and exercise plans
- Harry Brown |
- 24 July 2019 |
- Categories: apps, iphone, wellness
Following a healthy eating and exercise plan isn’t always easy. We all struggle to stick to fitness regimes that we put in place....

EE reports changing habits of mobile users during lockdown
- Alexandra Higgins |
- 03 July 2020 |
- Categories: EE, Mobile, Change in use, Shopping, Fitness, Takeaways, Communication, Chatting
Have you been using your mobile phone more during lockdown? If so, you’re not alone....

Demand for smartwatches boosts smart wearables market
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- 07 April 2022 |
- Categories:
There was strong growth for smartwatches and fitness trackers in 2021, with global shipments up by a fifth (20%) compared to the previous year....